Spring Quarter
A look to the future.
The newly elected Vice President of Recruitment, Jonathan Villalobos got a seven man class for his first quarter as VPR. With such quick success we are looking forward to the great work he will accomplish in Spring and Fall.
The VPR, Jonathan Villabos has plans for a solid Spring Rush with the goal of at least ten new members to join our fraternity. The chapter is supportive of this goal and the rush team, and the executive board has been in constant communication to help Jonathon reach his recruitment goal for the benefit of this fraternity.
As the Executive Board prepares for Spring Quarter and beyond, they highlighted some of their goals for this upcoming quarter.
- The President is working on establishing alumni connections and continuing to run the chapter smoothly.
- The VPSLC is working with the resident scholars to help our brothers find the necessary career coaching advice to help them plan their future careers.
- The VPP is working on planning our Spring Formal in a timely manner so brothers are able to attend.
- The VPMD has been planning multiple brotherhood events in order to strengthen the brotherhood at Cal BA.
- The VPF is working with nationals to lower our chapter debt.
- The VPR is working to lay the groundwork for another successful rush.
- The VPC is working on a quarterly alumni newsletter with support of the AVC Board as well as the chapter.
- The Chaplain is working with the chapter in order to bring back the Burning Hearts Ceremony.